Seven daily regional newspapers from Wegener Publishers are under pressure. Subscribers withdrew and hardly any new subscribers. Effectively this meant the regional news would be a summary of what it is now.


We’ve put the emphasis on the existence of these regional icons together with celebrating the region. With one campaign, for seven different newspapers and regions with their own identity.


I love my Region!

We are going to celebrate the region. And preferably together!

The newspaper is from anyone for everyone.

For instance: My Tubantia is our Tubantia.


The campaign began with an announcement

Young, regional filmmakers were challenged to submit a script for a short film about their region. Within two weeks, we received 47 scenarios of which 7 scenarios were chosen to be developed.


Full crews went to work independently to make their own story in their own way. Seven different movies, each with its own character and regional identity.


The films premiered in the mecca of the Dutch film; Theatre One of the famous Tuschinski Theatre.


Through an activation site the consumer was encouraged to celebrate the region and preferably together. On the site they could establish a subscription with 33% discount together with another person via a Matchmaker system.


Besides the traditional owned media we chose to be visible at gas and train stations spread throughout the seven regions.


The short movies were shown in regional movie theaters in between the Coca Cola and Heineken.


All this had its effect. We managed to regain relevance in the local paper for the entire region. Not only did we succeed with one campaign to boost up the subscriptions for seven titles, we also ensured that the amount of young subscribers increased enormously.
